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  Name  5-Sep 4-Sep 3-Sep Total 
1 Joel 20 20 20 60
2 Paige 10 20 20 50
3 Ed  17 15 17 49
4 Glenn 15 12 15 42
5 Danielle  12 15 12 39
6 Yannick 12 15 12 39
7 Pat 15 12 12 39
8 Marc 12 12 15 39
9 Pete 12 10 15 37
10 Michaela 20 0 12 32
* Nolan 10 20 0 30
* Ryan V 15 12 0 27
11 Jess 12 0 15 27
12 Lindsey 15 0 12 27
13 Jessie 10 0 12 22
14 Byron 10 0 12 22
15 Andy 10 12 0 22
* Katie 0 20 0 20
16 Alina 17 0 0 17
20 Mila 0 0 17 17
21 Britt 0 17 0 17
22 Taylor 0 17 0 17
23 Luka 0 17 0 17
24 Bobby 0 17 0 17

* - this player cannot play so 

Games starts at 5pm.  There will be a schedule. You each will be assigned a number that corresponds with the schedule.

Sept 3 to 6 MacKinnon Brothers Brewing Co BEACH SERIES

Win your way in or pay your way in. The end of season beach series features players who have successfully won one of our beach leagues or tournaments, part of their prize package is free entry into this tournament.

This tournament features 4 dates, Tues Sep 3 (Coed 2's), Wed Sep 4 (M/W 2's) and Thurs Sep 5 ( Coed 2's) with Friday Sep 6 being invite only to the top 16 finishers of the first 3 dates. Each tournament is a $30/player entry, or if you want to enter in all 3, $75. All participants will collect points due to success in the first 3 dates, with the 16 being invited to play in the final day. Individual tournament winners will receive RYATT gear, but the real prize is for the top three finishers on the Friday Night. ( Large Grand Prizes) provided by MacKinnon Brothers Brewing Co.

Points awarded are as follows; 10pts participation, 12pts QF, 15pts SF or B champs, 17pts 2nd place 20pts 1st place.


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Historical Schedule

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