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Ryatt Rules

These rules are applicable to ALL the leagues. If there any exceptions, it is noted within each rule. Rules can be difficult to understand at times, it is important that team captains forward any questions or requests for clarification to league organizers. Updated: August 2023.

DISCLAIMER: if there is/are any discrepancy or conflict between the rule(s) highlighted here and ANY league web page, details on the league web page will take precedence.

1. Game schedule (start/end times and venue) are posted online.
2. Rally points and number of sets are detailed on each league page.
3. Games are scheduled for specific lengths of time. Teams should ensure that their games finish at the scheduled time. If time is running short, team captains should agree to shorten last game (i.e. up to 15).
4.At the end of the match, team captains are encouraged to verify all scores with each other and for the winning team to submit (losing team approve) scores ASAP online (at the latest 10am next day).
5. Teams are requested to bring their own volleyball to all scheduled games. MIKASA MVA200 for indoor and MIKASA VLS300 for beach are preferred.
6. Nets for Men’s, COED and Beach leagues are set at standard men’s height. Women’s league and COED Mondays Nights are set at Women’s height.
7. Teams are requested to set up and put away nets neatly at facilities (École Catholique Cathedral and Holy Cross) with the exception of Queen’s and KET.
8. Teams are encouraged to have their full roster per match; we understand that sometimes it is a challenge so we have itemized the minimum and maximum number of players to start the games and gender ratio required on the court in order not to default. They are as follows:
a) Men’s:
i. Must have 4 players to start the game;
ii. Teams can have maximum 1 female on their roster;
iii. May have 1 female and minimum 3 males to start the game; and
iv. 2 points deficit per missing player. Maximum 4 points start for the opposing team. For
example, game will start 0-4 should 2 players missing on the court.
b) Women’s:
i. Must have 4 female players to start the game;
ii. Only female players are allowed – no male as a sub;
iii. 2 points deficit per missing player. Maximum 4 points start for the opposing team. For
example, game will start 0-2 should 1 player is missing on the court.
c) COED 2’s:
i. 2 players required to start the game;
ii. Minimum 1 female in order not to default;
iii. All 2 females are allowed to play – no minimum male required.
d) COED 3’s:
i. 2 players required to start the game;
ii. Minimum 1 female in order not to default;
iii. Maximum 2 males on the court;
iv. All 3 females are allowed to play – no minimum male required.
e) COED 4’s:
i. 2 players required to start the game;
ii. Minimum 1 female in order not to default;
iii. Maximum 2 males on the court;
iv. All 4 females are allowed to play – no minimum male required.
v. Teams may play with a third M (LIBERO only) if 2 Females are not present. This rule does not apply to Dual beach format and during playoffs. All players must be registered RYATT athletes, if teams are short, subs may be used from other teams within the same league.
f) COED 6’s :
i. 4 players required to start the game;
ii. Minimum 2 females in order not to default;
iii. In order to keep the games going on time with the intent that the 2nd female will arrive, the 1st set can start. At the end of 1st set and the 2nd female is a no-show, the 1st set is a default. The 2nd and 3rd sets can start but will also default if the 2nd female is still a no-show.
iv. Maximum 4 males on the court.
v. All 6 females are allowed to play - no minimum male required.
g) Reverse 6’s:
i. 4 players required to start the game;
ii. Minimum 3 females in the front row in order not to default;
iii. Maximum 3 males in the back row;
iv. All 6 females are allowed to play - no minimum male required.
9. Team captains are mandated to provide league organizers with 24-hour notice should the team defaults. At minimum, teams should know who can play the following week.
10. Any team found to default their games 3 or more per season, less than 24-hour notice, or worse, will be subject to, in order:
a) Written warning at first and second defaults.
b) A default fee ($50) on the 3rd and each after default.
c) Removal from the league upon review of the organizers.
11. If minimum/maximum (see rule 8 above) players required is not met, that team defaults the game.
12. If both teams default, neither team will receive any points for the match. Teams are still allowed to use the gym until the scheduled time is concluded.
13. If a player is unable to continue to play due to injury or other circumstances while in the middle of a game, the game continues without a default.
14. Should games get cancelled due to inclement weather (thunder/lightning), gym cancellation, or due to other circumstances:
a) Please check the league page online for FULL or PARTIAL game cancellations. Details will be
itemized online (ie first game, last game – which game(s) is/are cancelled); and
b) Game(s) will not likely be rescheduled but if there is space in the schedule we will do our best.
c) Any team has an option to default, too. Please send an email to indicate as such. Please include your team name, opposing team, league name.
15. The game counts should a game is cancelled while in the middle of a game, the winning team with the most points for that match (i.e. 5-3) wins the set.
16. Teams and players are encouraged to call their own violations or infractions.
17. Team captains are encouraged to discuss questionable points, and if cannot agree teams MUST re-serve the point. Must maintain and promote a high-level of sportsmanship in the league.
18. The following violations below are the MOST common in our leagues. ALL teams and players are expected to know and call their own violations:
a) Net - Not allowed making any contact with the net at any time during the play.
b) Reach – Not allowed to reach over the net to block the setter who is trying to set the ball on
the second contact.
c) Indoor (COED, Women’s and Men’s):
i.Foot fault on centre line - any player who’s foot completely passes the centre line (foot must
touch the centre line and not interfere with play);
ii. Foot fault on attack line - back row spike/hit that touches the attack line; and
iii. 4 or more touches – a team has 3 touches (block does not count as a touch) to complete their
play. The person blocking is allowed to touch the ball for the second time.
d) Beach (2’s, 3’s, or 4’s):
i. You may not set the ball of a serve;
ii. You may not set the ball over the net;
iii. More than 3 touches - Block counts as one, the person blocking is allowed to touch for the
second time; and
iv. Open-handed tip is not allowed. Soft shots like roll shot, cobra, and poke is allowed.
e) Attack/hit or block a serve is not allowed.
19. A player may play the ball off any part of his/her body, including feet.
20. Number of touches: beach has 3 touches. Indoor has 4 touches if the first contact is a block. The player who made the block can touch the ball for the second time.
21. Rotation of players is required in 6’s (except reverse 6’s – females’ stays front row) but not in 2’s, 3’s or 4’s. Players must rotate service.
22. Teams may call a 30 second time-out per match, if needed, in non- timed games only. In the case of time running out, no time-outs will be permitted.
Men’s League – Women’s League: ROSTER, SUBS and PERMANENT ROSTER:
23. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players listed online as accepted roster players. There is no maximum number of players to a roster.
24. Roster players may only play for one team in the league.
25. Women’s teams are not permitted to have male substitute, men’s teams are permitted to women substitute.
26. Any player playing on a team MUST either be an active roster player on your team (and only your team) or a registered substitute with the league. Teams can add new players to their team at any time. But they must be active on your roster before they play with you. Under NO circumstances can a player participate on your team if they are not a roster player, or a substitute player, they MUST be one or other.
27. For Fall leagues: November 1st is the deadline to add players to your roster who will be eligible to play on your team in playoffs. For Winter leagues: March 1st is the deadlines to add players to your roster who will be eligible to play on your team in playoffs.
28. Teams are provided a grace period from these rules for the first month of the season (October 1st/January 1st) in which no infractions will be given if teams are found to be not in compliance.
29. After this, teams found to not be not meeting these requirements in the first instance will be given a warning, in the second instance games in which an infraction is found teams will receive a default loss.
30. If your opponent’s teams do not meet these requirements please email the league coordinator, highlighting the infraction, and a decision will be made about the infraction. Our goal however, is that team does their best to follow the rules and create a spirit of fair play within the entire league.

Players Substitution List: (check out the correct league page to sign-up)
31. For ALL leagues we have started a substitution list for players who wish to play and possibly be placed on a team.
32. Players who wish to be added to the active substitution list for any given league will be required to register to the online substitution list. A player who is an active and paid participant in any other league at that time will require no registration fee, a player who is not an active and paid member of a team in another league, will require a small registration fee to the RYATT league in order to become active to play. The active substitution list will be open online, so players can add themselves quickly (IE prior to a game), pay the registration fee if necessary and be approved by league coordinators.
33. Players, who are registered substitutes, are permitted to play for any team, at any time (without adding them to a roster) until playoffs.
34. All teams will have the ability to see what players are on this list (and for what leagues) and will have access to contact them to play if they require a sub. Likewise, they will be aware that any player on this list will be permitted to play on a team who might be an opponent.
35. Teams may decide to request a substitute player join their team for the remaining part of the season, if the player accepts, they will be added to the roster and only permitted to play on that team. As long as this transaction is conducted prior to the final roster deadline, this player will be permitted to play in playoffs (if after, they will not be allowed).
36. If a team claims a player from the substitution list, their name will no longer appear on this sub list, and hence no longer be able to fill in for any other team.
37. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players listed online as accepted roster players. There is no maximum number of players to a roster.
38. For co-ed indoor - Players may be an active roster player for up to 5 teams in this league, but only one team in each tier (i.e. you can only play on one Thursday night team). For Beach - Players can be an active roster player for each league night but can only be for one team per night (i.e. you can only play for one Tuesday 4's team).
39. “Subs” are permitted in this league and doesn't need to be listed in your roster BUT are NOT eligible for playoffs. Teams may add new players to their roster until the roster deadline (rule #40) - these players must not be on any other team's roster (in the same tier or league).
40. For Fall leagues, November 1st is the deadline to finalize team roster/s. For Winter leagues, March 1st. For Spring beach league June 30th. For Summer beach league August 1st. These deadlines are to add players to your roster who are eligible to play after these dates including playoffs. You will not be able to add any player after these dates.
41. Teams are provided a grace period from these rules for the first 2-month of each season. If less than, follow what is the league page or what is communicated via email.
42. After this, teams found not meeting these requirements in the first instance will be given a warning, in the second instance games in which an infraction is found teams will receive a default loss.
43. If your opponent’s teams do not meet these requirements please email the league coordinator, highlighting the infraction, and a decision will be made about the infraction. Our goal however, is that team does their best to follow the rules and create a spirit of fair play within the entire league.

© 2005 - 2025 Ryatt - live life. have fun. play volleyball.