1st Place: Ashley & Riley (+67 points)
2nd Place: Katie & Brendan (+58 points)
3rd Place: Yvone & Nas (+51 points)
Tournament Details: We are full! Looking forward to a great night of volleyball!
- Gym Opens at 530pm (Bartlett Gym, Queens University)
- 530pm-550pm, Warm-Up/Set-Up/Registeration ETC
- 550pm - Very Brief Tournmanet Intro - Athletes on court ready to play for 555pm
- 559pm First Game Starts. 15 Min, Timed Matches. Unlimited Scoring ( i.e. you play the full 15mins).
- Next games start immediately after ( i..e there is no time scheduled between matches)
- All Teams play 8 Matches in the Evening - last game is completed at 10pm.
- Generally speaking, team schedule is PLAY-SIT-PLAY-SIT ( i.e. all teams are playing for 50% of the time) -but must follow schedule carefully to know when playing or not.
- While off, please be prepared to jump on court and ideally connect with new teamates prior to the end of the previous match, so games can start immediately ( i.e. less than 1 min)
- Prizes awarded to top 3 Teams at approximately 1015pm.
Sign up as a Male/Female Partner (2 athletes) and be "PAIRED" with other athletes throughout the night during our PAIRS tournament, playing COED 6's.
Gain plus/minus points for each of your matches for a total score over the course of the evening... the top +/- partners score wins!
Tournament will be played at Queen's University, Bartlett Gym, 545pm-10pm on Friday March 7th. This is typically played at an INT Level of Play.
Registration Information
Team registration is now closed. You can still register as a substitute player.
Sign Up