Congrats to Kristin & Nathan for retaining the Queen & King of the Beach Courts.
2nd Place - Sophie and Jordan
Thank you ALL other pairs that played!
Join us on August 9th for our Friday Night 2's Series at Kingston Expert Tees. Games startj shortly after 5pm and will be played until dusk (8pm), fitting in as much play time as possible.
This tournament features a Coed 2's format ( 1 M + 1 F) with a round robin featuring single sets vs as many opponents as possible, followed by a single elimination playoff format. Athletes are typically intermediate or competitive level of play.
To register for this tournament sign-up here, add your partner, list your Names for Team Names and etransfer tournament fee of $60/team( tax included) to ryan@ryatt (password volleyball).
If you would like to play, but do not have a partner, you can sign-up as an individual/sub and another athlete might ask you to join them.