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COMP Thursdays (Winter 2022)

Welcome to our COMP Thursday League!

This league will start Monday March 10th and be played at SLC and Queen's. Games are scheduled for 8-9pm.

Entire schedule is now posted.

The league schedule will be as follows. Teams will be scheduled for single matches ( 3, to 21, cap 21) scheduled for 50min time frames, starting on the hour. Teams will play a double round robin ( 8 games) + 2 additional games ( 10 games total) in 7 weeks. ( so several weeks with double matches)

The last week will be a mini-playoff with only the top 4 teams advancing. No league prizes will be awarded.

All players and teams MUST strictly follow league and facilities rules that have been shared. No "subs" are permitted in the league, however teams with extra players may have those players spare on teams requiring additional players that evening.

League costs is $550 ( taxes included). Fee's can be paid by etransfer to Ryan Stoness, Please include team name in message and arrange to have fee's paid by end of first week of season.


1 No Clue - Jordan Rouse 11 33 29 4 28 679 519 160
2 Pizzinators 12 35 23 12 21 685 608 77
3 All Bumps No Humps 11 32 12 20 12 509 571 -62
4 Habs Rock 9 27 10 17 10 422 431 -9
5 Shreyas Playas 9 27 3 24 3 341 507 -166

Historical Schedule

© 2005 - 2025 Ryatt - live life. have fun. play volleyball.