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INT-REC Monday's (Winter 2022)

Welcome Back RYATT!

We are so excited to be able to welcome you back safely to indoor volleyball! Things are a little different now and so are our leagues. Here are the details for our Winter 2022 Indoor Season.

• Leagues will start March 7th and run until the end of April (8 weeks).
• Teams will be scheduled 1 match per evening (1hr). We will host a very limited playoff structure limited to likely the last night of play.
• Games will be scheduled at SLC and Queen’s. Most games will be scheduled for 8pm or 9pm, but games could be scheduled between 6pm-9pm.
• We will be operating on two nights (Monday’s and Thursdays) with 4 different leagues to target different levels of play. Please try to find the appropriate level of play for your team, to make play most enjoyable for all teams. Space in each league is very limited. Leagues are as follows
o REC-INT League (Monday):
o INT League (Thursday)
o INT-COMP League (Monday)
o COMP League (Thursday)
• We encourage teams to have 8-10 athletes on their roster. We will not be permitting substitutes in this league, players must be a registered league participant. Teams short players CAN however use extra players from other teams in the same league. Teams will be expected to have at MIN 8 registered players.
• All Leagues will be COED (2 F’s on the court)
• Athletes can sign-up for multiple nights
• Masks must be worn at all times indoors, including during play and all athletes must follow SLC and Queen’s facility entrance protocols. Stay tuned for more details on this.
• Sign-up is on a first come basis and will close at the latest on Friday March 4th.
• League costs are not yet set, are expected to be between $500-$600 per team. Fee’s, once confirmed can be e-transferred to reserve your spot prior to the league start date.
• Sign-Up and lets get playing!

Historical Schedule

© 2005 - 2025 Ryatt - live life. have fun. play volleyball.