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Rules and Waivers


Welcome to the 2015-2016 Season of COED INDOOR VOLLEYBALL and GO FUN LEAGUE. Much like last year, this league will feature 4 nights of play, 4 different divisions and over 50 teams. Team spots are limited in this league so we do ask that teams sign-up as soon as possible to reserve their team and their desired night of play. This year the league will start in early September 2015 and wrap up in early April 2016. Teams will be scheduled for 1(1hr) match per week on most weeks of season, teams sometimes have a double header ( 2 matches in a evening). The league feature the 4 nights of play, featuring different levels of play as highlighted here. We recommend teams determine which night they fit best into to begin in order to maximize their playing experience and we will try our best to ensure you get at least the TIER and Night you hope to play on.

Tier 1A - Tuesday's ( Very Competitive)
Tier 1B - Tuesday's ( Competitive)
Tier 2A - Thursday's ( Competitive)
Tier 2B - Thursday's ( Intermediate - Competitive)
Tier 3A - Wednesday ( Intermediate)
Tier 3B -Wednesdays ( Intermediate - Recreational)
Tier 4A -Mondays ( Intermediate- Recreational)
Tier 4B - Mondays ( Recreational)

Games for teams will be for the MOST part played on one night, we do have SOME exceptions, but teams can expect 90% of their games to be played on the night they desire to play on. The couple exceptions to this are as follows..1) teams playing Mondays ( BC of frequent holidays - often have make-up games played on other nights of the week) 2) teams who come first or last place in their respective divisions, have opportunities to move up, or down tier's (into another night of play) 3) At times in order to ensure that teams within a tier have played the same amount of games we have to squeeze in an additional game on a different night.

The spirit of this league is one of the things that make it special. We emphasis a very high level of sportspersonship and fun, yet like to create a competitive environment at all levels of play. Which is why it is important for teams to play at appropriate levels - in our ideal world in this league, all games would be very close, so week in and week out, teams get fun and competitive volleyball and opportunities to learn, grow and develop as players and teams. We encourage teams and players to help other teams and players improve skills, knowledge or learn strategies and compete to the best of their abilities. In this league, winning is important, but we try to ensure good volleyball, fun and sportsmanship comes first.

So if you are interested in joining us this fall and winter season, please register your team as soon as possible to reserve your spot in the league. Team fees for the year will $720 -assuming 8 players on a team is $90/player ( $45/term).

Teams will be able to have up to 4 players as registered members of your team who are playing in this league within a higher division ( i.e. a DIV 4 team can have up to four players who are registered in Div 1-2-3 teams, a Div 1 team can have an entire roster which is playing on other tiers as their are no tiers higher than 1). Teams may not have a player on their roster who is registered to play in the same tier ( i.e. a player cannot play on a tier 1A team and a 1B team, but can play on a 1B team and a 2A team).

Historical Schedule

© 2005 - 2025 Ryatt - live life. have fun. play volleyball.