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Schedule for Sat: Feb 23rd Court 1 - 9:00am - Spiketaular vs Tiger Would Court 2 - 9:00am - Undecided 2012 vs Hit Heads Court 3 - 9:00am - LCVI Old Skool vs Say What Court 1 - 9:50am - Ryatt vs CVC Court 2 - 9:50am - Thrift Shop vs ServeSetSpike Court 3 - 9:50am - Kevin Devaney vs Far East Movement The rest of the schedule will be available at QECVI. When you arrive at QECVI they have asked everyone to park at the back of the school and use the back door. The gym will be available for 8:30am for the 9:00am game. There will be a registration table for captains to sign in and payment is due by your second game of the day.

Jason Boyes Memorial VballFEB23

Fallen; Never to be Forgotten Jason Boyes Memorial Volleyball Tournament

This tournament is in memory of Paul Pennell's high school friend Jason Boyes who was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan. Money raised this year will be shared between the Humane Society and the purchase of a laptop that will be donated to the SLC Child and Youth Worker program who will be going to Kenya Africa during the March break this year. They will be donating the laptop to the Gede Clinic (Dr. Oscar Chirro).

Historical Schedule

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